7/14 7:45 Hole In The Wall Restaurant

Scene opens with Julianne Chamberland and Dan Whitaker having dinner at some hoe in the wall. She is wearing oversized sunglasses and a long sleeve blouse on a 90-degree day. Dan is wearing a ratty Miller High-Life t-shirt and a Harley-Davidson bandana on his head. From her purse on the floor, Julianne’s cell phone rings and she reaches to answer it.
Dan (with hostility in his voice): Who is it? Why the hell can’t we get through one dinner without someone calling you?
Julianne (glancing at the caller ID): It’s Jenny. It probably has something to do with the wedding. I better take it.
Julianne (into the phone): Hello? Oh, hi Jenny.
Jenny: You’ll never guess who I just talked to…Tom! He’s on his way back to town with Linus for your wedding.
Julianne: Yeah, well…listen, Jen, I’m sure you can handle everything with the florist. Just make sure it gets taken care of.
Jenny: Oh shit, I’m sorry. I didn’t think about Dan being with you. I figured he’d be passed out by now.
Julianne: Well, okay. I’ll give you a call in the morning to make sure everything’s set with the flowers.
Jenny: Are you okay sweetie?
By this time, Dan is visibly pissed…tapping his fingers on the table and glaring at Julianne.
Julianne: I’m just tired. We’ll talk tomorrow.
Jenny: Okay, Michael’s beeping in. Call me.
Scene shifts to Jenny sitting on her front porch smoking a cigarette as she clicks over to answer the incoming call.
Jenny: Hey baby, where ya at?
Michael: I just closed up the garage. Listen honey, I just got a call from a customer of mine who works over at the Hole In The Wall restaurant on 3rd St. He said Julianne and Dan are there and it looks like he’s been hitting her again.
Jenny: Oh my God! I just talked to her. I knew there was something wrong from the way she talked.
Michael: Well, I’m gonna go by there and see what’s going on.
Jenny: Mike, don’t do anything stupid. Why don’t you just come home and I’ll go over to their house with you.
Michael: If he’s been hitting my sister again, I’m not going to wait around and try to be tactful about it. I can’t believe I offered that son of a bitch a job! Well, I’m here. Their car’s still in the parking lot. I’ll call you in a bit.
Jenny: Come on Mike be sensible. You’ve got no business getting yourself thrown in jail!
Michael: It’s not going to come to that. I’m just going to talk to him. (In a quieter tone) There’s a thousand dollars in my sock drawer if anything happens. I’ll be okay. I love you honey.
Jenny: I love you too. Be…
Michael hangs up…click.
Back inside the restaurant, Dan & Julianne are eating their Salisbury steaks and the server is refilling their iced tea.
Server: Is there anything else I can get…
At this moment, Michael, rushing in, interrupts.
Michael: What the hell happened?
Dan stands up and positions himself between Julianne and Michael.
Michael: Come on Jul, you’re staying with Jenny and me tonight. (Pointing directly at Dan’s face, just inches away): And I’ll deal with you tomorrow.
Dan: What’s going on Mike? I’m trying to have dinner with my fiancée.
Michael: Since when does dinner involve a busted lip and a black eye that even those ridiculous Elton John sunglasses can’t hide?
Julianne (meekly): It’s okay, Mike. I’m okay. He just… (Turning to Dan): Dan, I think I should go.
Julianne steps around Dan and takes Michael’s hand. As they turn to leave, Dan yells after them: Julianne, wait! Can’t we all just sit down and talk?
Scene ends as Michael and Julianne exit the restaurant.
Next scene opens on Tom and Linus sitting in the 3rd row behind home plate during the seventh inning stretch. Over the PA system, the announcer can be heard paging Alan Qwest to the nearest security kiosk.
Hey guys,
Sorry it took me so long with this scene, but I've been busy with school, family shit and raising little Spyder...he's a handful!
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