Scene 5 Houston Texas 7/14

It's just after 4:00 pm it's a scoorching hot afternoon.
Tom and Linus are sitting in the Escalade in asphalt parking lot.
You can see the heat rising around them.
Linus: Hey Saltine!
Tom is startled awake in the back seat. He has drool running down the side of his face.
Tom: huh! whats wrong? Where are we?
Linus: Cracker chill the fuck out! Were here.
Tom: Where?
Linus: Will you wake the fuck up retard?
For Chissakes, you've been asleep for 16 hours.
I've done all the driving.
Tom: Well, I'm up now. And I drove the first 8 hours.
Where's that weed?
Linus: obviously you don't need any weed. You couldn't be anymore relaxed.
Tom: Okay but I get some later. Where are we anyway?
Linus: We're in Houston. Minute Maid Park to be exact.
Tom: And were here why?
Linus: I told you we had to make a stop.
Tom: At a baseball game?
Linus: At a baseball game? (smarmy voice)
Yes you fuck at a baseball game.
The Cubs are playing the Astros and I have box seats right behind the Visitor's dugout.
Tom: Well let's go.
As they climb out into the glaring sunshine you see a sign for VIP parking.
Linus tosses the keys to a young kid in a red vest and slides a folded
$20 bill into his hand.
Linus: (very quietly) Keep it nearby, we won;t be gone too long.
Valet: Of course sir it'll be right over here.
Tom: Come on let's go were missin the game.
Linus: Hold your fucking shorts on.
We still have to pick up our tickets over here at will call.
They turn the corner and walk up to the will call window.
Linus: (trying to appear as if he'snot looking at the name tag on her vest)
Maria, I need to pick up some tickets for Michael Browning.
Maria: Yes sir, here they are.
I just need to see some I.D.
Linus: No problem, Here you go. (Linus pulls out a Utah driver's license
it has his picture and the name Michael Browning on it)
Maria: And you'll be leaving this on the Master Card Sir?
Linus: Yes Maria and I need to leave 1 tick here for a Mr. Donnie Baker.
Maria: Okay sir here are 2 for you and I will hold the third for Mr. Baker.
Linus: Thanks Maria, you have a great day.
as they walk towards the entrance Tom has a confused look on his face
Tom: What the fuck was that about Linus?
Linus: Sorry, I will have to fill you in later. Call me Michael for now.
Tom: okay, Michael. Who the hell is Donnie Baker?
Linus: You know Donnie Baker from Bob and Tom.
Tom: We're meeting him? He's real?
Linus: No, you fuck, that's a code name.
He's almost as fucking obnoxious as you that is why he picked that name.
Tom: You Swear to God Man?
Linus: I swear to God. Now shut the fuck up and let's watch a little ball.
Donnie will be here in a little bit and then you can drive us the
rest of the way back while I sleep in the back seat.
The scene fades to Linus and Tom finding their seats and the Cubs
taking the field for the top of the third inning.
Scene 6 opens with Julianne Chamberland and Dan Whitaker having dinner at some hoe in the wall. She is wearing oversized sunglasses and a long sleeve blouse on a 90 degree day.